Posted by David D. on 19th Oct 2021

Wiccan Symbols – Assigning Your Own Meaning To Wiccan Symbols

Assigning Your Own Meaning To Wiccan Symbols

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If something important or memorable happens to you, it can prove a source of symbolism. Creative moments and your imaginings can also have meaning. Sometimes we apply symbolism to those things surrounding us in the physical world. Doing so helps us keep our reality orderly and easier to understand. It also allows us to add layers of meaning to our experiences.

For example, let’s say a person who is considering a substantial investment randomly sees a tarot card from the Suit of Pentacles. And, let’s also say they couldn’t get that card out of their mind each and every time they tried to focus on the investment. Now, let’s add to the mix that the person had no foreknowledge of tarot card meanings. But, with the nagging feeling to pay attention to the tarot card, they Google it. To their complete shock, the particular card they saw symbolizes abundance and wealth!

Right. In the tarot, pentacles represent abundance and so much more! On our sister-site,, you can get in-depth tarot card meanings and learn how to read tarot cards.

Now, imagine a moment when this same person defies all advice not to make the investment because they knew the pentacles tarot card was a sign, an omen, a symbol that they should make the investment.

It is of no matter what their level of wisdom or experience. They recognized and heeded the signs and symbols. You can imagine the thrill when they end up making the right decision. They defy the “odds.” It is a moment like this that can symbolize something profound.

Every time the person thinks about the event, they remember the thrill and anxiety. They remember the raw fear when defying conventional wisdom. They have a memory featuring an “underdog win!” Their memories and actions are symbolic of happiness and success.

They have learned to pay attention to the signs and symbols and follow their natural instincts! Wow! Heavy stuff, right? It gets better so let’s break it down for ease of understanding! Symbols represent ideas or concepts. They are images, characters, marks, or visual triggers representing or signifying something else. Symbols are packets of compressed data. They make a lot of information available through a smaller package! Wiccan symbols do the same thing!

Learning about Wiccan Symbols Contributes to An Enriched and Magical Life

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Our understanding of symbols comes from different sources. We learn about symbols as we experience life. Those things holding great meaning to us can end up being symbolic. Notable events in our lives are sometimes a source of symbolism.

The collective unconscious (possibly the source of all symbolism) is accessible to all. It is something we often tap into when dreaming. But, we can see these same archetypes usually residing in the collective unconscious. We can identify them on the physical plane. When we explore archetypes, we become capable of detecting them with greater ease.

With richer meanings to draw from, life is more meaningful and fulfilling too. We live with greater deliberation, love deeper, and have more profound insights. As our understanding of symbolism evolves, it reflects in our daily lives. We can live day-to-day with greater focus and passions.